
The SCANZ 2015 Conference was run from Monday 30th November to Tuesday 1st December 2015. View the programme below.

SCANZ 2015 Conference Programme



5pm        Early registration  

Monday 30th November

7am Registration, tea & coffee
8am Cultural welcome
8.10am VUW VC Grant Guilford
8.15am Minister for Science and Innovation Hon Steven Joyce
8.30am Welcome from SCANZ President Christine Ross
8.40am Branded science: native content in science communication. Joan Leach

Session 1: Innovative Channels

9.30am PEST - People Engaging with Science Bev France
9.45am Communicating conservation science in post flagship species in New Zealand. Sophie Fern
10am Is volunteer data reliable? Overcoming barriers to sharing and using volunteer data in stream monitoring. Richard Storey
10.15am Morning Tea

Session 2: Participating citizens

10.35am Gap between lay and expert opinion on scientific issues Marc Wilson
11.05am Factors influencing public contribution to citizen science Vicki Martin
11.20am Setting up a participatory science platform pilot in South Auckland Sarah Morgan


11.35am SciCommNZ - strengthening communication and relationships between science communicators Kimberley Collins
Sarah Morgan


11.35am Encouraging participation in Landcare Research's Garden Bird survey Andrea Liberatore
11.50am Using citizen science to engage the public in morepork conservation Alison Evans


11.35am Your brain on booze: impact of a multimedia adolescent alcohol educational resource Shanti Campbell
11.50am Children as health advisors Michelle Thunders
12.05pm Lunch

Concurrent Sessions


1pm Using stories to help visualise climate change Jean Fletcher


1pm Producing eye-catching scientific figures Matt Walters


Session 3: Reaching the harder to reach

1pm Communicating model uncertainty: a review of international best practice Emma Hudson-Doyle
1.20pm How students are connecting with the digital world Heather Catchpole
1.40pm Nature deficit disorder - using science communication Sue Peoples
2pm Engaging with hard-to-reach audiences through libraries - a STEM experience Karyne Rogers
2.20pm An integrated model of science communication Nancy Longnecker
2.50pm Earth Girl Tsunami Isaac Kerlow
3.05pm Afternoon Tea & Poster Session
3.45pm What's working for citizen scientists and is there room for improvement? Monica Peters
4pm Careers in science communication: do promises match reality? Dacia Herbulock & Fabien Medvecky
4.45pm EUREKA Talks

Conference Dinner

5pm Welcome reception at Rydges hosted by Scimex
7pm Conference dinner at St Johns Restaurant (including awards)

Tuesday 1st December

8.30am Registration, tea & coffee

Session 4: Telling Stories

9am Welcome from Victoria University of Wellington's Vice Chancellor
9.15am Developing an engagement strategy for a National Science Challenge Rhian Salmon
10am Filling the void: bridging the urban/rural gap Peter Burke
Cathy Strong
10.20am Morning Tea

Session 5: Science and Art

10.40am S+ART - using art to connect the public with science Jenny Rock
11am The art-science nexus as a device for communication Craig Stevens
Gabby O'Connor
11.20 Billy Apple Craig Hilton
11.40am Creating effective digital content Miriam Sharland
12.20pm Lunch

Session 6: Are we connecting with the Public?

1.20pm Perceptions of science and economics Fabien Medvecky
Vicki Macknight
1.50pm Interpretation about geoscience for visitors to natural sites Janis Russell
2.10pm Using Emily Dickinson to upskill the new Michelle Dickinsons Kate Hannah
2.30pm Homeopathy and the language of science Manon Knapen
2.50pm Afternoon Tea
3.15pm New adventures in science media Peter Griffin

Session 7: Are we having impact and how do we know?

4pm Effectiveness of Royal commissions in increasing science literacy Jean Fleming
4.20pm Evaluating decision-makers engagement with science Ruth O'Connor
4.40pm The effectiveness of university outreach for science communication Lloyd Davis
5pm Conference wrap-up